Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Global Warming

I watched the movie An Inconvenient Truth and it shook me.

I must say that I always thought that Global Warming and climate change was a problem, but the movie made me realise how extreme the problem is.

We must do everything we can to reduce carbon emissions and become more green at the individual level and also back the green revolution to make the politician pass legislation to improve the problem.

Watch the movie and visit the site www.climatecrisis.net

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My M.Phil

I finished my M.Phil. in Transaction Processing some time back. Just didn't get around to putting it up online anywhere.

Dr. Jim Gray and Dr. Leslie Lamport published a paper outlining a new distributed commit protocol based on the Paxos Consensus Algorithm. I implemented and compared this protocol with the the very popular Two Phase Commit Algorithm. In the process I was also able to identify some areas of improvement and I have implemented a slightly modified commit protocol that uses the original Paxos Consensus based protocol to achieve better performance.

A link to the Full Dissertation.